Don't Let the Fear Control You

Next week, New Leaf is putting on a pre-conference day about the religious landscape in Canada at a big Church Planting event in Montreal. It crossed my mind that one reality of my upcoming travel is that I probably won’t have to wait in line for the restroom like I usually do at big events. The mens room will likely be more crowded than the ladies room.

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A Silent Loss

October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Loss and grief are hard subjects, and when that loss is intimate and hidden from view, like a miscarriage, it may not be an easy topic to talk about. More Canadian families have experienced this type of loss than any of us might realize, so the New Leaf blog would like to remember those empty arms and arching hearts with the contributions of two bloggers who have shared their journeys. Leah Perrault and Andrew Stephens-Rennie.

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I wanted Loving Community...instead I got Judgement

I remember sitting in the car with my friend, a friend who identified strongly with the LGBTQ community, had since high school, and yet still faithfully attended the pentecostal church where we first met. I remember my friend wishing they could invite all their gay and queer friends to come to church and experience it as a loving community, but also expressing fear for the judgement these friends might experience in coming there.

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Trying on New Lenses

Book Review: Greg Boyd is someone who understands and has lived the journey towards wholeness in Jesus. The Crucifixion of the Warrior God is the fruit of his decade long journey towards reconciling violence in Scripture with the non-violent self-giving love of Jesus. His journey toward this book is an important part

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Calling Stories

Some of my favourite moments in the Bible are when God calls someone to something big. I find a strange sort of comfort in how these stories play out. Jeremiah 1:4-10 shares an intimate moment between the prophet Jeremiah and God Himself, when God calls Jeremiah to do his difficult work of preaching bad news

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Blog, Church Planting, StoriesJana Koh
Welcoming the More Complex Woman, Part 2

I finally broke down and attended my first women's retreat when I was about 27. I had been married for 2 years and figured, this is what older, married women do right? (Back then I used to think 27 was old). I was a woman, I really loved camping & being at the lake

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Blog, WomenGuest Post