Jon Hand

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Hey friends, my name is Jon Hand. I’m from the States and have been living in Canada since 2015. I’ve been married to Aimee for the last 20 years and we have three crazy and great children; Karis, Addy, and Cohen. I’m a third-generation pastor and life-long student of the church world. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of local church life and leadership. In the past ten years, I’ve been a church planter, denominational leader, consultant to business leaders, pastor to pastors, and transformational coach to Christian leaders. Currently, I love working at a church called The Meeting House. I serve on our Leadership Team stewarding our vision and championing leadership development. I also am giving leadership to the Leadership Formation experiences for a burgeoning network across North America called Jesus Collective.

I love coaching because it takes my hands off the controls and gives me the tools to help leaders discover what God is doing to grow and stretch them into the best version of themselves. I discovered what became transformational coaching after having a nervous breakdown and burnout while church planting in my mid-thirties. The pain of that season birthed my life’s vocational statement: I wake up every day to challenge, equip, and inspire Christian leaders to lead from their own transformation. I am excited to share my journey and the tools I’ve learned with you. We lead from our own transformation!