Quit Pastoring Your Church
A book by Aaron Gerrard
Jesus is real. He is with you. He is for you. He is your pastor. And he wants to be the pastor of your church. These statements might seem obvious, but what if we all took them seriously? Aaron Gerrard did just that in his journey to plant a church in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. In the new book, Quit Pastoring Your Church. The story of a small church making Jesus their pastor Gerrard shares candidly about his journey to start a new kind of church by allowing Jesus to be the guide and it radically impacted the story of this new congregation.
Part memoir, part church planting guide, part leadership model handbook, join Aaron Gerrard for the journey he went on in an attempt to quit pastoring his church.
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“Read Quit Pastoring Your Church and explore the “crazy calling” of planting a church in Christ’s Kingdom. Let it grip you with the vision of the impossible task made possible when “Jesus is pastor.” Allow Aaron Gerrard to disrupt your best agendas, paint you a new picture, and reset expectations so that Jesus can become the very real living center of life and ministry in this thing we call church.”
— DAVID FITCH professor at Northern Seminary & author of Faithful Presence
“Quit Pastoring Your Church is an honest look at the life of a pastor. It’s an inspiring story of one person who wades his way through pain and suffering and personal crisis and encounters Jesus in the midst of it. As I read it, I was challenged by Aaron’s commitment to live by his principles, and encouraged by the work that God has been doing in his life and in his church. Aaron confronts some of the standard practices of evangelical churches, particularly, decision making, focusing on numerical growth, and minimizing the importance of sacramental practices, and invites us to rethink what our practices reveal about what we value and believe. He winsomely invites us to engage in the courageous journey of following Jesus as Lead Pastor.”
— MARDI DOLFO-SMITH, Discipleship Pastor North Shore Alliance Church