LC - Hinge Point

LC - Hinge Point

from CA$5.00

Hinge Point

Learning to navigate a racialized society, together.

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The price of this 4 part session is $25. However, if finances are tight please feel free to choose a discounted price from the options, or email us for further accommodation.


Christianity continues to find itself at a hinge point in Canada as a number of important conversations play out in our society. Racial Justice is one of those conversations and connected to it are themes like: Critical Race Theory, the Land Back Movement, Black Lives Matter and Institutional Racism. As Jesus followers, how do we engage with these conversations our neighbours are having? What is Critical Race Theory and is it compatible with the Good News about Jesus? What does it take for churches and leaders to facilitate and experience authentic intercultural unity? Is Institutional Racism fake news or a reality we need to wrestle with? What can we do to develop cultural awareness and intercultural connectivity? What is Biblical Racial justice?

These sessions were recorded in June 2021

Session Info

Session 1: Why critical race theory is critical for every church - Cid Latty  

Having good foundations is vital for anything we want to build and this session is all about laying good foundations. Together we'll examine Critical Race Theory and why it has been a contentious issue for some churches and denominations. We'll seek to define terms like ‘race’ ‘ethnicity’ and ‘culture’, laying biblical perspectives, we will seek to offer the underpinning for a great conversation.

Session 2: Institutional racism: fake news or reality? - Keitha Ogbogu

Michael Emerson in the book ‘Divided by Faith’ outlines there are differences of opinion as to whether institutional racism actually exists. In this session, we'll unpack what institutional racism looks like in our Canadian context and compare the statistical evidence with our definition. We'll spend time examining various systems (housing, economic, educational, and criminal) to see what the data reveals. What might our findings say about our churches and denominations? What does this mean for those seeking to follow Jesus in our contexts?

Session 3: ‘I am not a racist’: personal responsibility in a developmental continuum - Tim Tang

As ministry leaders, pastors and church planters, how can we effectively and practically implement change? The Intercultural Development Inventory is a tool through which we can develop our individual and corporate intercultural competence. We'll discuss how this tool can help in our biblically-based cross-cultural competencies and explore these supportive tools. We’ll also take a look at the various approaches to cultural difference, why this is important for us and the church, and how we can develop intercultural connectivity here in Canada.

Session 4: Let’s get practical - Cid Latty

In our final session together, we’ll consider the practicalities of moving forward. As Jesus followers looking to serve and lead well, what are the essentials for the task ahead? What have we leant so far and what can we take with us? We'll participate with other like-minded leaders to share our learnings and discuss a number of cultural scenarios that will help us work towards a set of principles and practices for our journey towards intercultural competence.


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