Learning Centre Overlooked Book Club 2022

Learning Centre Overlooked Book Club 2022

from CA$5.00

The one-session pass is pay-what-you-choose. The suggested amount is $10/session, simply choose your amount and “purchase”.

We would like for you to join us, so if you can’t afford the honorarium at this time, please use the code “PandemicGrace” at checkout!

pay-what-you-choose amount:
Sign up now
LC - Learning Centre: Unsettling

LC - Learning Centre: Unsettling

from CA$10.00
LC - Learning Centre: Doing Good Better

LC - Learning Centre: Doing Good Better

from CA$10.00
LC - Learning Centre: the Sacred Art of Storytelling

LC - Learning Centre: the Sacred Art of Storytelling

from CA$10.00
LC - Learning Centre: Reimagining Evangelism

LC - Learning Centre: Reimagining Evangelism

from CA$5.00
book club product winter 2021-22.png

Unsettling the Word Book Club Contribution

from CA$5.00